Monday, June 2, 2014

Winter Row - Bent Creek

So, I was pretty lazy getting this picture up.  I finished it on April 27.  Life at the end of a school year is crazy. Parties, end of year activities, my youngest son's preschool graduation (sigh...).  I have been working on some other cross stitches since this one.  I need to start back on that TFaaT (Two or Five at a time).  I have been working on Mermaid of the Deep Blue for years.  I lost her for awhile.  When we moved back in December, I found her.  She had fallen behind a bookshelf.  I have one mermaid done stitching, the other is halfway done.  Anyway, this Winter Row was my travel cross stitch. SOOOO easy to stitch.  I recently bought a new travel cross stitch and hope to finish it soon.

More to come later.

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